Pipe & Prover Inspection
With one push-type camera and one tractor driven camera our highly trained technicians can provide an “on-site”
detailed inspection of most sizes and configurations of provers and pipes.
Pipe & Prover Inspection Cameras
Below are just some of the advantages of remote imaging:
- Helps plan future maintenance instead of having emergency projects fall into your already busy schedule and
tight budgets. - Our cameras are explosion-proof so this service can be utilized at any time by just blocking in and draining
the prover in most products. (Some cleaning may be necessary for crude service to ensure an accurate
inspection.) - If performed prior to a scheduled water draw calibration, it will confirm the cleanliness and integrity of the
prover. - Receive a USB drive of the entire inspection with on-screen text pointing out flaws, damage, and debris.
- Great for new Prover inspections. Be sure you are getting what you paid for.
- Our prices are cheaper than renting the equipment and doing it yourself.
- Can be scheduled for a multi-prover run to help save on mileage and expenses.
- MEI offers sphere seal checks utilizing this equipment to check for any leakage around the sphere.
- For use in hazardous environments Class 1, Division 1, Groups C & D 140 Watts Max T3.
Excluding the following atmospheres: Keytones, Alcohols esters, Acetones, Ethyl, Acetate.

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Product Support
From our floor to in-the-field, Meter Engineers products are manufactured and supported with rigorous detail. We proudly stand behind our products as a world-class support team; ready to assist customers when and how they need it. We are here for you.
Sales Inquiries
Do you need a metering solution for a specific application or flow rate on a job site? Or perhaps, you are looking for a custom prover product that delivers accuracy and dependability, but needs to adhere to some unique requirements? Contact our sales team, today!
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